Consett Rotary
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Recent Updates & Activities
WOW, take a look at this video Consett Rotary and Learning For Life collaborated together on a project focused on experiences during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
The Life Lines book was launched on Thursday November 2nd with funds raised going to the Biking Vikings for Brain Tumour Research. It was written by Rotarian Lorraine Weightman and the cover was drawn by Fr John Bagnall. Look at the photos here
The Lockdown Lines Charity Evening was a great success. Read the Finale document by clicking on the document icon
Read the 'Thank You ' Letter from Benfieldside School after their trip to Beamish Museum. Click on the document icon.
Read about one of our Rotarians raising funds for Willow-Burn Hospice Read it here
The Peace Project is an initiative which Consett Rotary fully supports. Read about it here
Here's a video from our Ewong'o Project

Consett Rotary displaying a Shelterbox at a recent event within Consett town centre
Some participants showing their certificates at a Swimathon event organised by the Rotary Clubs of Consett, Stanley, and Derwentside.
Consett Rotary had their Annual Golf Day at Consett & District Golf Club on Friday September 17th. The cost was £80 per team of 4 with great cash prizes for the winners and a car for a hole-in-one at the 6th hole. The car wasn't won but over £2400 was raised on the day.

Consett Rotary’s international involvement.
Consett Rotary is a proud member of Rotary International and contributes to the Rotary Foundation which is the biggest charity pot in the world. We contribute through our membership subscriptions, and we also organize a foundation dinner to raise additional funds. Some of our members donate monthly and this is voluntary.
Consett Rotary also responds to crisis situations by supporting major charities such as SHELTER BOX which provide emergency shelter and tools to enable communities to rebuild after natural disasters or other crisis and AQUABOX which is a Rotary charity and community project set up to provide safe drinking water, using filtration units, and other humanitarian aid in crisis zones around the world.
We have supported a river blindness charity in South Sudan, contributed to tree planting in Tanzania, supported the charity SEND A COW, helped with our district’s wheelchair appeal… we could go on.
The club decides what to support and any member can make suggestions. We are often inspired by a speaker.
The Rotary Foundation supports clubs who wish to develop their own international projects and has clear guidelines for doing this. With this in mind, Consett Rotary is presently working with Moshi Rotary in Tanzania to develop a WASH project in a remote part of the country. WASH stands for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene.
We have identified the area we have agreed to work with. The village is called Kambi ya Choka in the Simanjiro District not far from Kilimanjaro International Airport. It is a remote community consisting of Masai pastoralists. We focus on the Secondary School which is also a boarding school because of the distances involved. They have access to clean water only from a distant well and the pupils spend a disproportionate amount of time fetching water twice daily for their culinary and hygiene needs. We have in mind a borehole with a solar powered pump on the school premises with some sort of kiosk enabling the community around to buy clean water. We also want to improve the sanitation and hygiene of the school population. The details are yet to be worked out. This is for the community to decide. Moshi Rotary will be working with a representative community group to assess what the needs are and how best to meet them. We have funded a geophysical and hydrogeological survey of the school grounds to ascertain there is water there. This has confirmed the presence of water.
As soon as it is safe to do so, one or more members of Consett Rotary will travel to Tanzania to visit the Moshi club and the school.